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  1. sugarcube


    I'm such as idiot. I can't believe I forgot that song. I love that damn song and know all the words. Thank you. I have never tried two at the same time but I've even tried Lithium and it didn't do shit except kill my sex drive, like literally no interest in anything and also made me have to get...
  2. sugarcube


    Also I know you're def not a racist now if you recommended a song with brown people singinh the whole time
  3. sugarcube


    There are sad songs about Tequila. I don't know the artist but I hear it on the radio. When I taste Tequila, baby I still see ya blah blah. No one fucking sings about Gin.
  4. sugarcube


    Thanks that's kind of you. I know I can control it I just don't want to. I'm at the point I just don't give a fuck anymore either. The peak of my happiness has sailed And I was the one who fucked it up but other things currently were beyond my control. I'm always trying to chase that serotonin...
  5. sugarcube


    Alright the movie was good but it still made me cry. I'm not sure if I'm really a musical person though. I like music and singing but not sure if I like both. Ahhh right burning question of the day. Why are all the sad songs from the South about whiskey. Chasing You, Drowns the Whiskey...
  6. sugarcube


    I'm sorry. Why then? What triggered it? Did anything help? At least you were later to the party. I was in HS. my 20s were fun though. I partied and had fun and was finally free. 20-24 ish I was the happiest I'd ever been
  7. sugarcube


    Yes horribly sad at only 20 years old. I can't imagine how his family is. Do you remember yourself at 20? My life was just starting to be fun
  8. sugarcube


    I didn't mean sober like continuously sober, I mean at the moment. Because I was not drunk then started drinking. I know it's not the best thing but it's my current coping mechanism for fucking up my lovebof my life/brother/etc etc. I'm not an alcoholic it's just temporary
  9. sugarcube


    Ok POP Smoke what you know about love. makes you want to dance the night away
  10. sugarcube


    it's always funnye to me how when we get older we know when that shittis coming but as a teen it was like 'oh this bitch aunt flo came to the party uninvited" like howwww the fuckickle did i not monitor that shit in high school when i was a ho?
  11. sugarcube


    Okay I;gll give it a try. I dont think tis my thing though but if you guarantee itll cheer me up better than cocaine. Fine but in the interst of being a bitch you have to try one of my recomendations. Or someone, anyone. mare of easttown on hbo was really good.
  12. sugarcube


    You don't know many drunk sad people do you
  13. sugarcube


    Ok no more sad shit. Now I'm really fucking sad again.b do you know the song Heaven by Kane Brown? It came in my shuffle and shit fuck balls man makes me think of my ex SAD
  14. sugarcube


    Why because there are two sad emo bitches,?
  15. sugarcube


    This is the reason why I don't wear white. Pants. Shirt ok. But iv have that phobia of starting my period and everyone knowing
  16. sugarcube


    Oh my god. That is fucjing btraunstixbibgm. God traumatizing.
  17. sugarcube


    Damn I'm sorry uv didn't realize the Achilles heel was a touchy subject isn't that expression though like your weakness?v anyways sorry New topic
  18. sugarcube


    You didn't think my joke was funny eh. Drink more it's fun
  19. sugarcube


    Wow you are at least talented in many areas. Can you explain what CIS is? Sorry I don't know what that is I just did what I was told and I regret it
  20. sugarcube


    Who is sober now