Devastation the Almighty
Ninja Wizard
I didn't say it wasn't violence, and yes, obviously, to spank you have to "hit" your child, but "hitting" would mean closed-fist, and I strictly use an open-palm slap on the rear, and nothing more than two strikes, ever. Occasionally, I have pulled the "go outside and pick out your own switch" game on them, but that's more to give us some quiet in the house than to actually spank them. Usually, by the time they get back with the switch that they think will cause them the least amount of pain, they're so knobby-kneed at the prospect of the impending spanking, I give them a light switch on the ass and send them to their room instead. I hate spanking my kids, but sometimes telling them to behave differently doesn't work, and I would be a worse parent to never discipline them than to give them a smack on the ass when they're out of line.