Search results

  1. Nefarious

    I said hi to catgravin and she jignores me

    this is why we need a new better moderator someone who wont ignore me when i say how are you to her on her visitor wall i mean is that scrwed up or what? my cousin told me back in the days there was this moderator who was friendly with everyone his name was like tickboob or something like that...
  2. Nefarious


  3. Nefarious

    my PREMIUM section is broken

    I cant see the premum section matt gave me premium a week ago and now i cant see it, mods hello? catgravin you stupid Successful black individual are you there? fix my fucking premum i cant see it maybe this will get your attention Successful black individual CRACKER SPIC SPIC SPIC SPIC SPIC SPIC SPIC SPIC CHINK GOOK SPIC SPIC SPIC SPIC...
  4. Nefarious

    fuck stupid shit fuck

    fuck sutpid shit fuck this forum i can say whateveri w ant FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT
  5. Nefarious

    This is my PREMIUM THREAD

  6. Nefarious

    i want my money back

    i want my money back from this place i contibuted a dollar back in 2013 when eric was asking for doinations for hte forum and today i was at the vending machine and i needed a dollar for the twix bar but i ditn ahve it and that dollar could have been in pocket at the time if i didnt give it to...
  7. Nefarious

    ho do i get ebn merchandise?

    i bought some ebuam nation dollars from the front page just curious where i can redeem them for a tshirt and other stuff? i like the frisbee that was advertised i want to play with it with my dog any ideas? ebaum do you mind writing me a reply and telling me please?
  8. Nefarious

    LAM oebaum gone, mgunit on the verge of LOl

    this forum is a mess WOW what a piace of garbage i have ever seen in my life, i remember when i used to log on and see activity and people talking people happy smiles and now its just a cespit when you know CHADUMPA is voted as the most best member of the forum you know your forum is ka ka...
  9. Nefarious

    chec out of my forum rap

    all you motheafucker an suck my dick you guys are whack chalupa married a mick thi forum is deader then a man on the grass you know what? you all cansuck my ass this foru mis gay everyone man is gay on here big matt is so fat he only shops at jon deere brittneys vagina smells so bad the only guy...
  10. Nefarious

    as an active member i demand PREMIUM RIGHT NOW

    I want remuum right NOW i want it now i am a well deserved member im smart good looking i am what makes this forum turn i am the cojg of the forum and you fucking IDIOTS WHO DONT GIVE ME THE PREMUM ARE GONNA PAY BECAUSE IF I DONT GET PREMUM IN 24 HOURS, IM GONNA GET SOME CHINESE SPAMMERSON THE...
  11. Nefarious

    septebmer 24th 2014

    this forum is still gay captains log 101: this forum is full of gay faggots and its really sad, there are posters with over 30000 posts on here on a forum with five active members the gay is very high here especially with guys with dog usernames and belgnai n countries very gay gay forum and...
  12. Nefarious

    books are stupid

    if you liek books your a faggot i hate books yestertoday in class the teacher told me to read from some page in this dumb book lord of the flies gay boys on an island fighting over stpid things and i read a few words and then told the teacher that i could nt read anymore. the teahcer gave me a...
  13. Nefarious

    i wan to grow a mustash

    I want to grow a mustash do girls find mustash attractive? im in high school i can grow like a mustash sort of like peach fuzz i guess do girls like that? my father is clean shaven never seen him with facial hair i dont think anyone in my family grows facial hair but isee guys outside of school...
  14. Nefarious

    too much harassment on the forum and too little mods

    makes this forum bad you fucking mods im calling you out in this thread for the first time exclusive catgravin fuck you holelles bitch bigmatt get off your fat fucking ass and ban chalupa already chewy your fucking gay and your old as fuck go attach another iv bag to your vein loser droogsteve...
  15. Nefarious

    9gag is just better then this place

    im enjoying 9gag more then this place 9gag has funny humor and good content while this place is a baron wasteland maybe ill invite some 9gagers to this place and i canb be responsible for getting the forum to a tip top sape
  16. Nefarious

    is chalupa the nagriest little midget shit in forum history/

    this guy is alwayus upset i mean wow you see every post by chaluap you can read the anger in his posts its really sad a guy with over 30000 posts on a forum that has three active male members and one butt ugly female member and yet chalupa thinks this is a popularity contest with three dicks and...
  17. Nefarious


    soccier is gay i hate eveyr y4 years hwen people come onto the itnernet and go oh yeah go socer go SOCER IS GAY there is a reason why 90% of all soccer plays are homosexuals admitted homosexuals the other 10$ are faggots in disguise its rampant disgusting ERUOPEANS thinking they can own the...
  18. Nefarious

    havent been here in months still see the foru mis chit

    sti lse the forum ishit maybe ist time for someone to do something to do this fucking forum put bulet hole in forum head go boom and fuckign END IT ALREADY THIS IS AWSATE OF BANDWIDTH BANDWIDTH USED FOR THIS FORUM COULD be used for more improtatn things imagine the guy who wants to open a...
  19. Nefarious

    I realise that i hate populat things

    i hate popular things i realised today in school when o was at lunch wiht myfriends all fo a sudden one of my friends goes 'hey you guys hear tat new? ong?' i was about to leave because i didnt want to hear it im sick and tie of the new songs new this new that why cant we just create a group of...
  20. Nefarious

    time to shut down the forum

    its time to put a bullet into the hea of the forum this needs to stop this forum its seixstence the people on the forum are stupid this forum jsut flat out sucks no activity no more threads no mroe anything i mean where is stu pidasohle? where is bigmatt the savior? where is catgrain the big...