I had assumed that you wrapped them in philo dough.It is true, I file pedos.
I had assumed that you wrapped them in philo dough.It is true, I file pedos.
You do realize that I am probably the only person on here with an actual neckbeard, and it's red.tony go outside nad lose weight dont bother talking to these neckbeards on here not great motivation considering chakupa is a reigstered pedo filer and big matt is an eillegal pot smoker, go outside and start talking to girls i have faith in you good luck
very disappointing at least shave the neckbeard off do yourself a favor go talk to girls get a job befriend people dont sit on this forum this forum is a waste and therei s reason why this is called edumpnation because all the dumpy dumb posters come here like chalupa who isnt funny i mean over 250000 posts and he cant even make a funny lord devastation nocturnal ciaran YAWN these guys are bores thats why they got banned fomr new grounds and ebaumsworld!!!!You do realize that I am probably the only person on here with an actual neckbeard, and it's red.
now you're just being silly.What about Super Premium Plus? Is that ever going to come back?
You're welcome.Also, thanks for fixing my account!
I'm so old I remember when new grounds was the formation of Pangaea.What the fuck is newgrounds?