

Sad emo bitch
Jun 20, 2021
I didn't ghost you. I got tired of your racism and had to go on a business trip.
I thought about it and the only way your English is THAT good is it you are from Belgium or Luxembourg. You already said no to Switzerland and Germany. I went to a ridiculously stupid expensive private school that was full of people from Europe. Only from Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland can speak so many languages so proficiently.

It reminded me of this thing that happened to me in school when I was 17. I grew up with 4 older brothers who were always very protective. I couldn't DO ANYTHING I wanted. I mean anything. So once they were out of high school and it was just me I went a little crazy. I got to be free. To be myself. To explore things. There was this ASSHOLE named Guy who was originally from Antwerp would always call me Sayran the Slut. Even though I wasn't then. You know those assholes who are mean to you because they like you? This was that situation. He would throw things at me, name call, everything. So one day in gym class he hit me in the head with a basketball. I was so furious. I picked up the ball and I hit him in the face with it. Then I ran out of the gym and into the bathroom. I hid in a stall and waited for him. He found me of course. I didn't expect it but then he tried to kiss me, so I let him. I'm not going into the details of what happened, but I let him cum into my mouth and guess what? I spat it right in his face. And never again did Guy bug me again. THE END.

Does anyone have ADHD?


The gimp
Nov 30, 2006
Other than you with that story?

Most people have it to some degree, but then again, who doesn't have what? Speaking of degrees, someone asked me if I wanted to go back to get another advanced degree, and I was all, "lulz speak in Celcius, man, this is the 21st century Fox, am I right?" and we laughed because what, truly, in the end does the fox say?


a true bro
Feb 19, 2008
Shark's Territory
Other than you with that story?

Most people have it to some degree, but then again, who doesn't have what? Speaking of degrees, someone asked me if I wanted to go back to get another advanced degree, and I was all, "lulz speak in Celcius, man, this is the 21st century Fox, am I right?" and we laughed because what, truly, in the end does the fox say?
I want this on my tombstone


Sad emo bitch
Jun 20, 2021
You are being a racist again. I can tell you're not down with the brown. You think vanilla faces are superior in intelligence and appearance. I get it.

I realized my typo later but I was high, drunk, and sad. When my typing gets bad or my grammar gets bad you know I'm on something

I don't have ADHD but I thought I did. I had a friend who had adderall and I asked for some just to see if it would help but it was horrible because I took it when I was on a manic upswing. It's hard to focus when I'm manic, my mind races and I get stuck in the past in my head. Anyways I took the adderall for a couple of days and all I was trying to answer is which is worse A) Having twin boys with your first love and being stuck in a po dunk town. OR B) Having to do cocaine everyday with Kristen Wiig while she talks in a Gilly voice. It was hard to answer. One is hell for 18 years... I really do not want kids. They kill your sex life and free time. And the other is hell for eternity...

Anyways I will never touch that shit again. Which would you pick?


Sad emo bitch
Jun 20, 2021
You don't answer my question why would I answer yours?

I told you. It's me 🙋‍♀️

Sayran. I'm so sweet like a nice bon bon. Came out rapping since I was born.