PREVENTIVE CARE.Assuming that people getting emergency care and not paying really is the driving force in the cost of healthcare, EMTALA produced a lot of unintended consequences that made healthcare less available, not more available. Assuming that the ACA is a solution is wrong. The problem of people dying on the mats outside of the ER is a problem of not enough healthcare to go around. The ACA will not increase the supply of healthcare, it will increase the demand.
That is the crux of the plan, based on other industrialized countries' experience! We actually WILL reduce the demand for the most expensive care as we increase the demand for faster, cheaper care. In the meantime, the pool of recipients is increased, so the cost of the cheaper care goes down even further. The cost per person should drop.
The problem, fender, is that people are not making the right choice currently, nor were they making the right choices prior to the EMTALA. Therefore, the burden on society was so great that society had to act to solve it. Now, society, and this is the beauty of nothing being chiseled in stone, is attempting to further improve the system.
Argue about taxes and subsidies being stealing and immoral all you want, you have not proffered an alternate answer other than "repeal and let the market sort it out" except the market never sorted it out in the first place.