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  1. HubbleBubble

    Breaking news! Biden controversy.

    Nah dude. With all joking aside, I've heard that some of the chemicals they are loading into those vaccines have danger labels on the cans and skull symbols, and they're literally sending that stuff out for the public to use.
  2. HubbleBubble

    Breaking news! Biden controversy.

    Fake news.
  3. HubbleBubble

    Breaking news! Biden controversy.

    Hubble here, bringing you a developing story tonight. We are learning through our backdoor channels in Washington that Biden has elaborated on his death and resurrection, and how he plans to return back to the dark underworld in an effort to delegitimize and destabilize Satan's authority. This...
  4. HubbleBubble

    Breaking news! Biden controversy.

    Hubble reporting, at 6. With stories of genetically edited human cyborgs circling the internet.... And on the heels of Biden forgetting requests that he take a cognitive test, an unknown but...
  5. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    I joined the original forum in 04-05, got banned for multiple accounts and so I created more accounts. So that makes me around 18 now. Young and youthful me.
  6. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    The other day Fero asked me if 2 red lines count as a positive COVID test. I said let me see and he pulled out his tampon.
  7. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    You called me bubsy 10 years ago and even back then it made me question your age. You have to be at least 60 by now. The only people affected by COVID are either really old or AIDS ravaged soy boy cock pumpers. I eat alot of real meat/protein, have muscles, a strong immune system and they call...
  8. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    Thats bold considering your bumpin' buddy is literally a guy named BigMattTheHobo and your mouth fits him like a shoe tbh
  9. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    What's most troubling is that I come back after 7-8 years and get an almost immediate response from chalupa, giving me an A+ after I call him an idiot. So much desperation. Putting all the truths aside, thanks. I hope all has been well.
  10. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    This economy has been riding on the success of the last administration, but it took Resident Jao Xiden less than a year to almost completely fuck it up. The last jobs numbers they released were half a million below their expectations, and then a day later Biden surprised no one and pulled new...
  11. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    I don't know, I just know I'm Hubble. I spent many wasted days debating you over illegal immigration and other political issues, trying to convince you that you're an idiot. Now that the destruction of the country is almost complete, I'm sure you're proud of yourself. Lol.
  12. HubbleBubble

    wheres premium section imo?

    Wow. I forgot I even had an account here. Or that this place even existed.
  13. HubbleBubble

    Share your secrets 2014, nobody gives a goddamn anymore

    Make your secrets unsecret, because the country has reached a turning point. The majority of people don't give a fuck about morals, a black man is President and gay marriage is becoming the new standard. This forum has turned into an utter garbage can, so this thread is a place where we can dump...
  14. HubbleBubble

    Obama is a great Leader

    You guys are tin-foil hat wearers with all the NSA spying claims and other misleading topics. The real issue plaguing America is that citizens still own guns and violent crime rates are outrageous. If we don't disarm, then we'll just continue killing each other and more school shootings will...